Saturday 4 January 2014


Glad that's over. Got a bit carried away with Christmas, then the novelty of the new loom. I managed to churn out all of these...
A new addiction?
...which are destined for my family back home. Feeling a bit weaved out, and yet, I still have ideas for new projects bouncing around. Plus, practice makes perfect, and those selvedges still need work.

I also warped the width of the loom for two cotton bathmats, which I neglected to take a completed photo of. Here they are in warp format:

Work continues apace on the never ending shawlette (of my own design), which for the past few weeks has been designated as road knitting. Despite all the driving we've done while the husband has been on vacation,  I still have half of the knitted on edging to complete. Ruffles - love the look, hate the work. I generally manage 10 repeats before I need to pick up something less mind numbing.
Seen here en route to Katoomba.
My little distraction for tv knitting is the new Harvest Cardigan By TinCanKnits, who are swiftly becoming one of my go to designers.

I may also have the lining, straps and closure of my brother in law's pedal carry bag to finish off, but although we have a brand new sewing machine, I choose to continue to pretend it's not there. I'll get to it. Soon. I promise.

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