Wednesday 8 January 2014

More coffee...

Well, little Miss Squish didn't sleep longer than twenty minutes at a stretch last night, but you know what? I'm cool with that, because my package from Skein arrived this morning, and I got to ogle these pretties while chugging strong coffee.
So lovely and pillow-like. 
That there is 125 grams of 50/50 merino/silk in the "provence" colourway, 100 grams of SW merino in "samurai" (which looks exactly like a Koi to me), and a pretty sample of BFL/silk. Scrumptious. I spun up half the sample straight away on my spindle,  which had the dual benefit of soothing my frayed nerves while amusing the crotchety wee mite. Teething sucks.

I also became reacquainted with my long time foe, the sewing machine, and I would say we are nearly at a drinking buddies sort of relationship. Actually, I was drinking a beer while sewing these. What can I say. Mummy had a hard day, and the bub was well full of breastmilk, I had a few hours off.

That's a damn fine nappy, that is. 
 I'm really stupidly proud of the thing, and I managed to save myself oodles in nappy stash replenishing funds. I winged the pattern, and I used the leftover flannelette from the liner of this:
Brother in law's guitar pedal bag.
See? I promised a picture. Baby is asleep now, and the preschooler is watching Avatar (I love his taste)(the last airbender, not the blue people)(what kind of parent do you think I am?)(don't answer that) so I better grab some shut eye myself and ignore the siren song of silk blends.

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