Thursday 20 March 2014

What is age, but a number?

Oh, blog readers. I can no longer claim to be young, hip, or cool. Okay, so perhaps I never have been able to, but any chance I ever had of claiming it has dissipated irrevocably. You see, my much cooler brother-in-law, who is in a two person cover band with his equally cool girlfriend, is playing a gig in a super cool bar in the awesomely cool City (you see where I am going here? Cool). My effortlessly cool other brother in law has gone down to watch said gig, and although I dithered, and considered, and even brushed my teeth...the lure of child-free, husband-free knitting was too strong. I am on the couch, periodically trying on a sleeve from the sweater I'm whipping up in the Skeinz Cheviot Aran I hand-dyed. I ended up overdying it with a blue/black mix, and it's lovely if I do say so myself.

Yea verily, I be not of the cool variety. But I am content. Mostly. Sorry, brothers in law.

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