Sunday 24 August 2014

I'm a mum, what can I say?

Well, blogging with the bub asleep on my chest once more, after nearly an hour of cuddles and screaming (from both of us, naturally). The family has been downed, one by one, by a vicious virus that left us snorking and feverish, with the feeling our heads would float off if we didn't hold them so tightly. The only family member to escape unscathed was the Boy, who really, didn't get off too lightly, as he managed to break his arm. I didn't feel like it would be kind to point out that I had warned him not to run in the house, particularly in socks, on the hardwood, but let's be honest, by the time he was smiling again, I was thinking, 'that'll learn ya.'

As a consequence, the knitting, much less the completion and photographing, has been sporadic at best. I've popped out a few little things here and there, for instance my monkeys:

Love them. Wearing them to death, and dubious about the merits of merino in a sock.

I also used 5/6 of my balls of Patons Classic Wool to make a pleated sweater from Interweave Knits Summer 2014. Here it is, spotted in the wild with the Boy's striped Cascade scrap vest.
I have no better images to supply. Lest you believe I'm falsifying my inability to knit, let me point out that it was knit at an extremely loose guage, on 6 mm needles, with multiple errors. It worked up quickly, although I've since I had to reinforce the neckline with crochet to prevent sagging.  

I've been making concerted attempts at completing Celestarium, as I know who it would make a perfect birthday gift for, but as kids and seed beads don't mix, and my children seem to fuel on my frustration, not the usual sleep, I'm taking that one round at a time. 

I'll end this post with a gratuitous cute baby shot, which coincidentally contains the Girl wearing the shortened garter cardigan I made from a leftover ball of Mission Falls 1824 wool and a 60 Quick Baby Knits pattern. Oh, and a dress I made ages ago from the same. 

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