Thursday 22 May 2014

Wild ride.

I'm too tired to pen a clever, witty and engaging post at the moment. I'm taking the kids on a last minute trip to visit the family in Canada next week, and this has led to an insane amount of finishing. It seems not wanting to leave a pile of WIPs and UFOs scattered in my absence was the impetus I needed to get off of my ass and get completing. So instead, while I crank out the projects,  you get crappy, poorly focused photos (if any at all) and pithy descriptions until I am home (with the suitcase of wool I plan to bring home...) and drinking something alcoholic after handing both children to my husband, who will have had two weeks of blissful freedom. Punk.

First up, I completed my red tweed pullover. I even wore it, all day. Did I take a picture? Nope. It fits gorgeously, and even though it's a bit scratchy,  it's exactly what I wanted.

I sewed both kids some desperately needed new pj pants. The boy got yellow flannel, which was an awesome op shop find for $5 for around 3 meters, and the bub got a soft corduroy covered in deer. I am a crap...sewist? Sewer? Dressmaker?...I suck at sewing. But I have faith that if I keep doing it, one day I won't suck quite so much. These had French seams, at least.

With free demon child!

I finished the husband's birthday Doctor Who scarf, pared down to 9.5 feet from the original 22. Cascade 220 on 5.5mm needles.  Lovely. 

Made a mei tai to carry bub through airport. Broke all the needles that came with machine. Smartened up and bought proper denim needles. Sewed hood on backward. Decided I didn't care. 

Got these in the mail from FiberArtemis on Etsy. Rainbow is perendale, gradient is Romney. Spun perendale into nav-ply for socks, which I am halfway through. 

I've also done a cute little smocked dress for bub, which I need to photograph.

Not the world's most engaging post, but I'm still trying to finish two separate socks, half a bobbin of yarn, plus packing and you know, parenting. And maybe, you know, ordering yarn I can only get while I'm in Canada. Hehe. 

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